“My father is a herdsman. He looks after people’s cows in the village. My mum stays home with the family. Before, we had no home or place to stay. Our town moved us to a place for people who have no land. My dad built a one-room mud house there, and that’s where we stay.” Peace Kamuli, ADI Student, 9 years-old, Primary 5.
Peace stays with her parents and four siblings in a one-room rented house in Uganda's Kasese District, where people who have no land live in absolute poverty. Before ADI, Peace was always in and out of school because her dad could not afford the tuition.
Through ADI, Peace is now in grade five at Katojjo Preparatory School, one of the best schools in Kasese. She is excelling in class, and wants to become a nurse so that she can buy land and build a home for her family, and to treat sick people.
There are children like Peace throughout East Africa. Children who are motivated, bright and full of promise. Children who are traumatized by war and civil conflict. Children who are held back by poverty, unable to get an education and fulfill their potential.
Children who now - because of African Dream Initiative - are becoming the hopeful future of their families, their communities, their countries.
ADI does one simple thing: Finds and nurtures the brightest and most motivated but impoverished children living in Uganda.
We do this by placing them in top schools where they realize their potential to be leaders. In these partner schools, ADI students are educated side by side with children from more privileged backgrounds - those who are expected to succeed. ADI students are put on the same path to success.
Just look at our results so far:
94% high school graduation rate
95% retention rate for girls
79% employment rate among graduates
We need your support to help Peace and other children achieve their dreams and develop new leadership for Africa.
DONOR RECOGNITION - Each Dream Big year-end campaign donor will be recognized as follows:
"Dream Big Champion" (donations of $2,500+)
Featured listing on special donor page of website for one year
A personalized video from an ADI student
"Dream Big Student Sponsor" (new sponsor sign-up at $1800 or $150/mo.)
Listing on special donor page of website for one year, with “new sponsor” recognition
Framed photo of sponsored student
Personalized student correspondence or video twice per year
"Dream Big Supporter" (donations of $1,000+)
Listing on special donor page of website for one year
A personalized correspondence from an ADI student
"Dream Big Circle" - Member (donations of $500+)
Listing on special donor page of website for one year
"Dream Big Donor" (donations up to $500)
Listing on special donor page of website for one year